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Unlock the Power of Game Development

Game-making Learning Programs for Everyone

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Game Development for Learning

At the heart of our approach to learning lies a powerful pedagogy that integrates games and learning through a creative process. Our curriculum encourages learners to play, create, share, and reflect as they develop career-ready skills through game development.


Through our game-making programs, learners are immersed in digital worlds and engage in visual art, music, storytelling, and coding, with opportunities for specialization. Supported by partners, we provide equitable access to these programs through direct instruction or train-the-trainer models, reaching learners across the USA, LATAM, and beyond.

Our Learning Principles

We hold the following principles at the forefront of every learning journey.

Everyone belongs.
We celebrate inclusion and diversity within the game-making community.

Play matters.
We recognize creative play as fundamental to learning and living.

Create for impact.
We inspire game makers who create meaningful change in the world.

Share often. Be open. 
We promote safe, collaborative spaces where game makers learn from one another.

Reflect and refine.
We value intentional reflection that helps us grow and evolve.

Learning is not linear.
We embrace flexibility and failing forward in an iterative design process.

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The Endless Learning Journey

The Endless curriculum model allows learners to play, create, share, and reflect across all aspects of game design and development in a self-led or facilitated environment, curating their own, unique career pathway. 

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“Why do people play games?”

Play diverse game genres, identify game design patterns, consider player perspectives, evaluate interactive elements, and reflect on personal preferences.


Our Curriculum

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Apply key concepts, brainstorm, design, and develop. Create prototypes, demonstrate creative agency, engage with other game makers, focus on inclusivity and diversity and generate a pitch deck.

"Game making to learn"

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Apply discipline-specific concepts, leverage industry-standard tools, consider interdisciplinary insights, refine prototyping methods, construct a portfolio of work.

“Who am I as a game maker?”

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I was feeling I can't wait to see what happens. I'm very proud of what I made.

Grade 9

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I felt like there was a community because we help each other in whatever way we can. Like if I can't do this, my partner can.

Grade 9

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All of us wanted to try each others games so it gave us motivation to add more so that it could be even more fun.

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91% of Learners said they felt a sense of belonging while participating in our programs

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Jaime Pendleton, (She/Her)
Associate Director, Center for New Americans
Southern New Hampshire University

"What I love about this program is that it already has a hook to get the kids interested because they love video games. They already want to participate, and learning how to make video games empowers them."

How do we deliver our Game-Making Programs?

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In Person

​We conduct workshops or training sessions face-to-face at schools, universities or community centers.

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​Participants join workshops or courses over the internet, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.


Train the Trainers

​We train educators or facilitators who then teach others how to use our game-making programs.


Our Game-Making Community

Learners open portals to both our community, and an endless ocean of career exploration. Instructors and Mentors will offer feedback and support to foster the growth of learners' game design skills throughout their game-making journey. Are you currently enrolled in one of our programs?

Meet Our Learning Leaders

Our team is a diverse blend of backgrounds, including seasoned educators with over 20 years of experience. Unified by our shared mission, we're dedicated to making learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone. 

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Meet Stephen Reid, VP of Learning

​With over 20 years of experience in education, actively pioneering much of the work in the field of games-based learning, Stephen Reid has worked in over 70 countries, using over 140 off-the-shelf games to engage learners in curriculum, social and emotional learning, and career-readiness.

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Meet Heather Drolet, Learning Design Lead

With over two decades of teaching and instructional coaching experience across K-12+, Heather Drolet is committed to revolutionizing digital learning and promoting inclusivity and diversity across the ed tech landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

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